Friday, September 26, 2008


Finally, Here are some graduation pictures. I am so happy to be done with school. Jonny and my family were huge supports while in school. Jonny dealt with me day in and out with the homework, sleepless nights, and complaining. He helped me study for tests a lot too. My mom made me breakfast on most mornings (even though I don't live with her) so that I would have a full tummy to learn on! Egg sandwiches every morning of a test, too, for good protein! All of them listened to me complain about my teachers and the hoops that I had to jump through and gave me a shoulder to cry on! What a great family! I definitely could not have done it without them! THANK YOU!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


This month has some how been busy even though I am done with school and Jonathan is not in school this semester - weird! We went camping for 5 days over Labor Day to Jonny's favorite place - St. Anthony Sand Dunes in Idaho. I don't mind the camping for a number of reasons:

1. There is no laundry that I can do while we are there.

2. There is no cleaning that can be done while we are there.

3. I can take as many naps as I want in a day - guilt free.

4. I can read and sew guilt free all day.

5. (Maybe this should have been number one) - I get to spend quality time with my husband without other distractions!

Bruce got his surgery at the beginning of the month (right after our camping trip
) and is doing very well. Jonny and I have been busy working for Notting Hill (his company) and our regular jobs as well. I have been babysitting Jamie's kids on Thursday which is so fun but exhausting! I will post more pictures when I get better at it!

but here are pictures of Jonny being crazy on his four wheeler and me and Bruce being calm in our new house this February